Monday, November 21, 2011


Still, lengthening evenings,
well-suited to the vapor-blanket
that's setting in today,
would vainly attempt seduction.

Be careful.

They might, at last,
in some final graspings,
seize you slightly
and then let go.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I think in heaven, first
I'd just want to know
if there ever was a soul
I had to sell at all?

Were it true,
I'd think, well,
how much you think,
at most, it'd cost?

And if false,
I'd say, "That's swell,
but someone, somewhere,
sure as hell got ripped off!"

Friday, November 11, 2011

Sol i København

A minstrel of the gray morning,
the accordion player in the park
sang a little too softly to hear
clearly from the street. I'd been
wandering from the path past
the crane and school and at last
confronted by a light I'd not seen
for what seemed like a year
stuck in the halfhearted dark,
I couldn't keep myself from joining.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


With the great, unyielding pain
in my neighbor (friends and foes, alike)
I feel smallest when I yawn, saying
"Ain't I a man?"

Well, Ain't ya?