Monday, April 27, 2009

Best-Case Scenario

I woke up this morning
and my penis was Batman.

I considered it a best-case scenario,
much like if you had hit the lottery
or defeated all comers in skill-
related tournaments. Like winning,

I woke up this morning
and my penis was Batman.

I had left the phone off the hook
the previous evening. No calls,
no calls, please. Not while the
precious cocoon on my midsection
is waiting, and, success!

I woke up this morning
and my penis was Batman.

Complete with cape, gadgets,
mask, batmobile, sidekick boy
wonder and general flair.
What more could a twenty-two
year old man desire but to
lose all his misperceived faults
in, saying this:

I woke up this morning
and my penis was Batman.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

hey dude, look

dude, hey - hey, what?
dude, what. yo, hey:
hey you, dude. dude,
what: hey, what. Yeah,
hey. dude, what the.
hey, what the hell. dude,
hey what the hell. dude,
what the hell. say what.
yo dude, look, dude. what.
yo look, dude, what the hell.
hell, look dude, say what.
fuck, dude, what the hell.
what the hell, dude, fuck.
fucking hell, dude. what the
hell. and fuck, dude. Hell,
dude, what the fuck. give a fuck
don't you. why? why give a fuck.
you don't. fuck, why? fuck why.
I don't give a fuck. fucking hell,
why? you don't give a fuck? why?
I just don't give a fuck.
don't give a fuck, what you say.
hey dude, look. dude...