Sunday, November 23, 2008

Dark Matter

Lengthwise finer thing
and missive (underestimated)
lepton identity unworn
in gestured fields of charge,
these burden spoken days
and lift (so gently) all
our shields of unlit strength.

Massive weakness undefined
(despite elegance) may
not solve each point of
tempted void. Unfettered,
universe-litter underlines
the truth that must be told.


Anonymous said...

This poem reminds me of why I love science (particularly astrophysics) and humanities/social science, which many people think are at odds.
But they're all about defining and understanding that unknown part, and I think there is a great poetic parallelism between the unknown matter of the universe and the unknown inner thoughts of people you live among every day... closer but no less mysterious and in some ways less attainable.

universe-litter underlines
the truth that must be told.

Nice.. the things that are lurking underneath (and seemingly disposable) tell us the most about the universe, and ourselves.. what I took from it, anyway :)

Eat a Book said...

Very insightful, perhaps more so than the poem. Thanks :).